Interfaces VS Abstract Classes in Java: Exploring the Powerful Distinctions

In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between interfaces and abstract classes and when to use each of them. We’ll start with a brief overview of what these two approaches are, and then dive into their characteristics, syntax, and usage in Java. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of these approaches and be able to choose the right one for your programming needs.

What is an Interface?

An Interface in Java is a collection of abstract methods and constants that can be implemented by a class. It defines a contract or a set of rules that the implementing class must follow.

For a more detailed explanation of Interfaces in Java, please refer to this tutorial Java Interfaces: Everything You Need to Know. In that tutorial, I cover topics such as:

  • The syntax and structure of Interfaces in Java.
  • How to implement an Interface in Java.
  • How to extend an Interface in Java.
  • What are Functional Interfaces?

In the next section, In the next section, I will briefly introduce Abstract Classes in Java.

What is an Abstract Class?

An Abstract Class is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and is used as a base class for other classes to extend from. It is a class that contains one or more abstract methods, which are methods without a body that are declared but not defined. These abstract methods must be implemented by the subclass that extends the abstract class.

Abstract Classes are often used when you want to define a common interface for a group of subclasses that have similar characteristics or behaviors. They can also be used to implement partial behavior, where some methods are defined in the abstract class and others are left to be implemented by the subclass.

If you want to learn more about Abstract Classes in Java, I recommend checking out this tutorial Abstract Classes and Methods in Java. It will provide a more detailed explanation of the concept, as well as examples of how to use Abstract Classes in Java.

Differences between Interface and Abstract Class

In this section, we will compare and contrast the characteristics, syntax, and usage of interfaces and abstract classes in Java.

Interfaces are a collection of abstract methods that are defined but not implemented. They can only contain public static final constants, default and static methods, and abstract methods. A class can implement multiple interfaces. Interfaces are declared using the “interface” keyword followed by the name of the interface. All methods declared in an interface are public by default.

For example, let’s consider an interface called “Shape” that defines two abstract methods, “calculateArea” and “calculatePerimeter”:

public interface Shape {
    double calculateArea();
    double calculatePerimeter();

Abstract Classes, on the other hand, are classes that cannot be instantiated and may contain both implemented and abstract methods. Abstract classes can have constructors, instance variables, and non-final methods. A class can only extend one abstract class.

For example, let’s consider an abstract class called “Animal” that defines an abstract method, “makeSound”:

public abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void makeSound();

When to use an interface versus an abstract class in Java depends on the situation. Interfaces are used to define a contract for classes that implement them, to ensure that they provide certain functionality. They are often used to provide a common interface for different implementations of the same behavior, and to enable multiple inheritance in Java. Interfaces are also useful for creating reusable code that can work with different classes that share a common behavior.

For example, let’s consider a class called “Square” that implements the “Shape” interface:

public class Square implements Shape {
    private double length;
    public Square(double length) {
        this.length = length;
    public double calculateArea() {
        return length * length;
    public double calculatePerimeter() {
        return 4 * length;

In this example, the “Square” class provides implementations for the “calculateArea” and “calculatePerimeter” methods defined in the “Shape” interface.

Abstract classes are used to provide a base class for subclasses that share some common characteristics. They are often used to provide default implementations of methods that can be overridden by subclasses. Abstract classes can also be used to define a template method, which is a method that defines the overall structure of an algorithm, but leaves some of the details to be implemented by subclasses.

For example, let’s consider a subclass of the “Animal” abstract class called “Dog”:

public class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

In this example, the “Dog” class provides an implementation for the “makeSound” abstract method defined in the “Animal” abstract class.

Real-world examples of using interface and abstract classes in Java include the Java Collections Framework, which uses interfaces such as List, Set, and Map to provide a common interface for different implementations of these data structures. The ActionListener interface is used in Java GUI programming to handle events such as button clicks. The Java InputStream Class is an abstract class that provides a base class for different types of input streams, such as FileInputStream and ByteArrayInputStream. The AbstractTableModel class is used in Java Swing to provide a base class for TableModel implementations.

In conclusion, both interfaces and abstract classes are useful tools, and understanding the differences between them is important for creating effective and efficient Java programs.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between interfaces and abstract classes in Java is essential for designing robust and efficient software. Interfaces provide a common contract for classes that implement them, while abstract classes provide a base class for subclasses that share some common characteristics. Both approaches have their unique use cases, and choosing the right one for a given scenario can significantly impact the design and performance of the software.

To learn more about Java programming and other related topics, be sure to visit our Java Tutorials for Beginners page. These tutorials are designed to help you master the basics of Java and gradually build your knowledge and skills in the language.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why interfaces are better than abstract classes?
    It’s not necessarily accurate to say that interfaces are always better than abstract classes. Both interfaces and abstract classes have their unique use cases and advantages depending on the situation. Interfaces are useful when you want to define a contract for classes that implement them, provide a common interface for different implementations of the same behavior, and enable multiple inheritance. On the other hand, abstract classes are useful when you want to provide a base class for subclasses that share some common characteristics, provide default implementations of methods that can be overridden by subclasses, and define a template method.
  • Why abstract class is faster than interface in Java?
    It is not accurate to say that abstract class is faster than interface in Java, as both have different purposes and performance characteristics. The performance of a program that uses either interface or abstract class will depend on various factors, such as the design of the program, the complexity of the code, and the efficiency of the underlying hardware and software.
  • Why abstract classes Cannot be instantiated?
    Abstract classes cannot be instantiated because they are incomplete classes that have one or more abstract methods that are not implemented. An abstract method is a method without a body, which means it does not have a defined implementation. Because of this, it does not make sense to create an instance of an abstract class because there would be at least one method for which there is no implementation. Therefore, abstract classes can only be used as base classes for subclasses that provide concrete implementations for all the abstract methods.
  • Can an abstract class have a constructor?
    Yes, an abstract class can have a constructor in Java. The purpose of the constructor is to initialize the state of the abstract class, and it can be called by its subclasses using the super() keyword. However, since an abstract class cannot be instantiated on its own, the constructor is typically used to initialize the state of its subclasses.
  • Why is abstract class not 100% abstraction?
    An abstract class is not 100% abstraction because it can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods. Since an abstract class can have non-abstract methods, it is not completely abstract. However, the use of abstract classes allows for partial abstraction and can provide a useful structure for creating related classes with shared characteristics.

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