Constructor in Java: Everything You Need to Know

Java is a popular programming language used in various applications ranging from web development to Android app development. Constructors are an essential part of the Java programming language that every Java developer needs to understand. A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize objects of a class. The constructor is called when an object of a class is created, and it has the same name as the class it belongs to.

Constructors play a crucial role in initializing the state of objects and preparing them for use in a program. They help to ensure that objects are created in a consistent and reliable manner, with all necessary attributes and values set correctly. Constructors can take parameters or have no parameters, and they can be overloaded, allowing multiple constructors to be defined for a class.

In this tutorial, we will cover the different types of constructors, including the default constructor, parameterized constructor, and copy constructor. We will also discuss constructor overloading, constructor chaining, and best practices for constructors.

Whether you are a beginner learning Java or an experienced developer looking to refresh your knowledge of constructors, this tutorial will provide you with a comprehensive guide to constructors in Java. So let’s get started!

Types of Constructors

In Java, there are three types of constructors: default, parameterized, and copy constructors. Each of these constructors has its own specific use case and can be useful in different situations.

Default Constructor

A default constructor is a constructor that takes no arguments. It is provided by the compiler if no constructor is explicitly defined in a class. This constructor initializes all instance variables to their default values (i.e., 0 for numeric types, false for boolean types, and null for reference types).

Here is an example of a default constructor:

public class Car {
    private String make;
    private String model;
    private int year;

    // default constructor
    public Car() {
        make = "Unknown";
        model = "Unknown";
        year = 0;

Parameterized Constructor

A parameterized constructor is a constructor that takes one or more arguments. It allows you to initialize the instance variables of an object with the values passed to the constructor.

Here is an example of a parameterized constructor:

public class Car {
    private String make;
    private String model;
    private int year;

    // parameterized constructor
    public Car(String make, String model, int year) {
        this.make = make;
        this.model = model;
        this.year = year;

Copy Constructor

A copy constructor is a constructor that creates a new object by copying the state of an existing object. It takes an object of the same class as an argument and initializes the instance variables of the new object with the values of the instance variables of the existing object.

Here is an example of a copy constructor:

public class Car {
    private String make;
    private String model;
    private int year;

    // copy constructor
    public Car(Car otherCar) {
        this.make = otherCar.make;
        this.model = otherCar.model;
        this.year = otherCar.year;

By using these types of constructors, you can create objects in Java and initialize their state in different ways, depending on your needs. In the next sections, we will explore constructor overloading, constructor chaining, and access modifiers, which will allow you to further customize the behavior of your constructors.

Constructor Overloading

In Java, constructor overloading is the practice of defining multiple constructors for a class with the same name but different parameters. This allows us to create objects using different combinations of parameters. When an object is created, the appropriate constructor is called based on the arguments passed to it.

Constructor overloading is useful when we need to create objects with different initializations or configurations. It allows us to provide flexibility to the client code, making our classes more versatile and reusable. Here are some key points to keep in mind when using constructor overloading:

  1. Constructors can be overloaded based on the number, type, and order of parameters.

    • We can have constructors with different number of parameters.
    • We can have constructors with the same number of parameters, but different types or order of parameters.
  2. The constructor with the most specific parameter list is called.

    • When we create an object using new, the constructor with the most specific parameter list that matches the arguments is called.
    • If no constructor matches the arguments, a compile-time error occurs.
  3. The default constructor is called if no other constructor is defined.

    • If we don’t define any constructors for a class, a default constructor is automatically created by the compiler.
    • The default constructor takes no parameters and initializes the object with default values.

Let’s look at an example of constructor overloading:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    // Default constructor
    public Person() { = "";
        this.age = 0;

    // Constructor with name parameter
    public Person(String name) { = name;
        this.age = 0;

    // Constructor with name and age parameters
    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

In this example, we have defined three constructors for the Person class: a default constructor, a constructor with a name parameter, and a constructor with both name and age parameters. Each constructor initializes the object with different values based on the parameters passed to it. Now we can create Person objects in different ways:

Person person1 = new Person(); // Default constructor
Person person2 = new Person("John"); // Constructor with name parameter
Person person3 = new Person("Mary", 30); // Constructor with name and age parameters

Constructor overloading is a powerful feature of Java that can help us create more flexible and reusable classes. By providing different ways to initialize objects, we can make our code more versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.

Invoking One Construct from Another

Java allows you to invoke one constructor from another constructor of the same class using the this() keyword. This is known as constructor chaining and can be useful when you want to reuse some code that is already written in a constructor.

Here’s the syntax for invoking one constructor from another:

public class MyClass {
   public MyClass() {
      // code to be executed for default constructor

   public MyClass(int x) {
      this(); // invoke the default constructor first
      // code to be executed for parameterized constructor

In the example above, the MyClass(int x) constructor invokes the default constructor MyClass() using the this() keyword. The default constructor will be executed first, followed by the code in the MyClass(int x) constructor.

Note that when you use this() to invoke another constructor, it must be the first statement in the constructor body. You can also pass arguments to the constructor being invoked, as shown below:

public class MyClass {
   public MyClass() {
      // code to be executed for default constructor

   public MyClass(int x) {
      this(); // invoke the default constructor first
      // code to be executed for parameterized constructor

   public MyClass(int x, int y) {
      this(x); // invoke the constructor with one parameter
      // code to be executed for another parameterized constructor

In the example above, the MyClass(int x, int y) constructor invokes the MyClass(int x) constructor with one parameter using the this(x) keyword. The MyClass(int x) constructor will be executed first, followed by the code in the MyClass(int x, int y) constructor.

Constructor chaining can be used to reduce duplication of code and make your code more maintainable. However, be careful not to create an infinite loop of constructor invocations. If you chain constructors in a circular fashion, the program will throw a java.lang.StackOverflowError.

That’s it for invoking one constructor from another in Java! In the next section, we’ll discuss access modifiers and how they apply to constructors.

Constructors and Access Modifiers

Access modifiers are used to control the accessibility of class members in Java, including constructors. The most commonly used access modifiers are public, private, protected, and default (package-private). Each access modifier has its own level of accessibility, which can be used to restrict or allow access to class members based on your needs.

To learn more about access modifiers and their usage, check out our tutorial on Access Modifiers in Java.

In constructors, access modifiers can be used to restrict or allow access to constructor parameters or instance variables. It’s important to use the appropriate access modifier to enforce encapsulation and prevent unintended access to class members.

These are the best practices for using access modifiers in constructors:

  1. Use the most restrictive access modifier possible to enforce encapsulation and prevent unintended access to class members.
  2. Consider using the default (package-private) access modifier when you need to restrict access to class members to only the classes in the same package.
  3. Avoid using public constructors for classes that are intended to be used as singletons, since this can allow multiple instances of the class to be created.
  4. Consider using protected constructors when you want to allow subclasses to access the constructor.

Overall, access modifiers are an important aspect of constructors in Java, as they allow you to control the accessibility of class members and enforce encapsulation. By using the appropriate access modifiers in your constructors, you can ensure that your code is secure, maintainable, and easy to understand.


In conclusion, constructors are an essential part of Java programming, used to initialize objects and set their initial state. They provide a way to define the behavior of objects at the time of their creation, allowing you to create more flexible and robust Java applications. By mastering the concepts covered in this tutorial, you can become a more proficient Java programmer, able to create and use constructors effectively in your code.

To learn more about Java, check out Java Tutorials for Beginners page. Thank you for reading!

Frequently asked questions

  • Can a constructor be called multiple times for the same object?
    No, a constructor can only be called once for the same object in Java. When an object is created, its constructor is invoked to initialize its state, and after that, calling the constructor again for the same object would not make sense, as the object has already been initialized. If you need to reset the state of an object, you can define a method that does so instead of calling the constructor multiple times.
  • Can a constructor be declared final or static in Java?
    In Java, a constructor cannot be declared as static, as constructors are invoked at the time of object creation, and a static method does not operate on an object. However, a constructor can be declared as final, which means that it cannot be overridden by a subclass. This can be useful in certain scenarios where you want to ensure that the behavior of a class’s constructor remains the same throughout its hierarchy. It’s worth noting that if a constructor is declared as final, it cannot be called from any subclass, and the subclass must use a different constructor or none at all.
  • Can a constructor call a method in Java?
    Yes, a constructor can call a method in Java. Constructors are special methods in Java that are called when an object of a class is created. Just like any other method, a constructor can call other methods as well. In fact, it is a common practice to call other methods from within a constructor to initialize object properties or perform other tasks. However, it’s important to note that calling methods from a constructor can potentially lead to unexpected behavior or errors, so it’s important to use caution and ensure that the methods called from a constructor are properly designed and tested.
  • Can you change the access modifier of a constructor in a subclass in Java?
    In Java, you can change the access modifier of a constructor in a subclass, but only if the new access modifier is less restrictive than the access modifier of the constructor in the superclass. For example, if the constructor in the superclass is declared as public, you can change it to protected or package-private in the subclass. However, you cannot change it to private or a more restrictive modifier. This is because a subclass constructor needs to call the constructor of its superclass, and if the access modifier is more restrictive, it will not be able to do so.

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